

The FINS-WINS ASBL is a movement of reflection and concrete action, working to promote the situation and condition of women in both the North and the South. Its team, of women and men from multi and transdisciplines, brings the reflections together and guides the action on the ground. This team of scientists and experts is headed by Professor Van der Starre, graduate of the Houston Institute and the University of Maastricht, and currently head of the Anaesthetics-Cardiology Unit at Stanford University.

The aim of the FINS ASBL is to work as an interface, encouraging women to contribute actively and proactively to resolving the contemporary international issues that drain our democratic systems and destroy or destabilize so many development projects, threatening the peace, the security and the solidarity that exists between peoples.


Identify the action and the impact of women's organizations in the socio-political and economic sectors by empirical research.

Promote proactive and active participation of women in development.

Submit through seminars and workshops dating, convergence of women's associations for wider and more effective.

It is feminine plural as FINS wishes to recognize stand by development, equality and integration of women from one pole to the other of our land "mother"